Jaysie DeWolf

Passion for Pups

I started pet sitting when I was 13 years old. Since my first family rottweiler, I knew I was hooked on a dogs unconditional love and comfort. As someone who has had personal struggles in my past, dogs have always been therapeutic and a great way to get myself out of a funk. When I was an adult and (finally) adopted my own 2 rescues, I set out to learn about dog behavior. I worked in a pack environment dog daycare, where I supervised around 60 dogs by myself everyday.

Owning my own business has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. After going through the pandemic and realizing the corporate life wasn’t for me, I decided to take my side hustle, and go full-time in the pet care world! It’s been the best decision I have ever made, and I don’t plan on looking back.

I find every opportunity to better myself, my skills, and my contribution to our community. I am proud to say that I am pet CPR & first aid certified, and know how to react in critical situations. When I have availability in my schedule, I volunteer with a rescue group to ensure their foster dogs get all the visits and supplies that they need.

There has always been a special place in my heart for shy and anxious pups. Dogs that traditionally might not do well while in the care of others. Building a special relationship with these types of pets has become a highlight of my services, and something I am very proud of.

Alex Walsh

Diligence for Doggos

I grew up around dogs since I was very young. My mom was and still is very active at her local shelter and we’ve had many “failed fosters” added to our family. I was taught to have patience and make each dog feel comfortable in my presence. Over the years I have built relationships with dogs whose owners have mentioned their typical animosity towards people. I never knew I would end up in pet care, but when my wife has a dream, I’m in it all the way!

  • Trust

    Building trust with both pet parents and pets is the first thing we strive for with all of our clients. We are fully bonded and insured through the Pet Sitters Association, but where we stand out is through our open communication and periodic updates from each visit. We always ensure that every pet parent can rest easy knowing that their pets are taken care of and in trusted, loving hands!

  • Focus

    Every dog has their own specific needs. Attention to detail is critical for their health, safety, and happiness. Especially when their parents are away. On top of following directions for any of your pets’ specific needs, we keep notes on each pets’ behavior and temperament because we know that every dog needs something a little different!

  • Compassion

    Our love of animals here at Boopers Pet Care runs deep. Inside and outside of work we pride ourselves in the ways that we love every animal as if they were our own. Having our own pups and critters at home gives us a better perspective on how both a pet and their parent can feel when they are separated. Sometimes all that it takes is a little bit of compassion and TLC to calm the nerves of a worried pet or parent.

  • Paitence

    Many pets need adjustment time. Whether its new people or changing routines, patience is the key to success here. We pride ourselves in the ways that we approach and handle new pets, doing whatever is necessary to form a trusting bond with them. Doing so helps us to ensure that every fur baby is not just comfortable in our care, but able to love and treat us like part of the family!